Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So I got an email from some self proclaimed "Blogger/Webmaster" at like 3am last night. The creeper must have been voiering around late night touching himself to pictures of peoples kids on family vacation when he came across my posts. RealTalk, this fuckin loser spends his saturday nights trolling around on Blogspot getting his tampon in a bunch when he finds something he doesn't agree with. Apparently he had a problem with me referring to gay men as "frilly homos''.. to which i replied "Look Bro, I don't go to Starbucks and smack the venti tumbler out your hands when when your spankin off a queer coworker to get that extra foam, so don't tell me how to run my shit!"
So the guys threatening to file a complaint.. in his words, "Report The Abuse Of My Webpage" unless I, "Immediately Cease And Desist" with my "Sexist, Gay Bashing, Racism". What a crock of shit...
Like for real bro.. What happened? It was late.. Your Orc Marford kept getting killed in the Catacombs so you finally shut down the WOW account for the first time in 36 hours? FoxNews was playing reruns of The Best Of Wolf Blitzer? Your moms was asleep so no one was around to make you a midnight snack? So you gotta seek entertainment threw being a little overly sensitive bitch and spreading your douche-baggery and bullshit ideals across the web? Who makes it their personal moral obligation to play police? Their life's mission to go around tattletaling on people voicing obviously sarcastic comical opinions for their own sense of self satisfaction?
Its like here comes BigBrother... and he woke up on the wrong side of the studio apartment! Someone must have diarrhea-d in his mocachino... because your having too much fun! And if BigBros got sand in his butthole then he's gonna try and rub some in yours too! And He'll take your toys and make threats and kick and scream to try and bring you down to his Faggy-Internet Savvy- Hipster [Webster] level.
So to the self important crybabies surfing the web with a chip on their shoulder... to you I make this simple suggestion... Stop sitting on your hand till it goes numb and masturbating with Icy Hot and go eat a fat bag of dicks! Because we all know your just a bunch of conservative cock suckers with nothing else better to do then piss on my parade.
Its not my fault your uncle used to make you star in his basement movies till you turned 14 and got too old...
Its not my fault everyone you've ever met hates your guts and thinks your a tool...
Its not my fault your cousin died in that freak snowmobile accident.. and I'm sorry but being a prick to me isn't going to get him back on his feet!
So no sir... I will not cease.. nor will I desist... Because getting these pussy ass crybabies that irritated has gotta be a good sign that I'm doing something right!

Jen Golding haha nice...the last post being particularly interesting


Kseniya Ignatova Eloquent... True. Terrible, lol

Marvin Odel Lambert good shit do work reggey

- Thanks for readin guys... Until next time, BlessBless...

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