Friday, March 26, 2010

Tough Times & Things To Remember

In these tough, tragic times I think its important for us to all gather together, to commune at this place we call the internet.. so we can bitch and moan about how bad we got it...
  1. The economy has been raped and plundered by a bunch of nerdy sociopaths [three years into it and we just said 'screw it! I aint no economist!']...
  2. the only job in the country is working for the Twenty-Ten census...
  3. there's even more pedophiles in the catholic church then we thought...
  4. the young hip black guy we all voted for doesn't actually have superpowers like we were all led to believe...
  5. Rush Limbaugh refuses to die [gotta hook em up with Jackson's pharmacist] and even when he does take his last breath and utters his last racial slur his son Glen is just gonna take his place...
  6. its impossible to find a pair of jeans in this city that don't either make you look like a flaming homosexual or a wanna be gangbanger...
  7. HipHop turned softer then a bowl of mint chocolate chip in the Sahara [auto-tune]...
  8. in a world of discount lasik eye surgery we're still as blind as Mr. Magoo...
  9. we're all stuck like a dick trapped in the water jet of a Hot Tub Time Machine...
  10. your personal financial value is worth more as a corpse than as an employee...

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